So, when is the best time to get a vasectomy? This can be a pretty personal question for most men and their partners, but it’s still a common concern for those weighing decisions about contraception. Many couples will wonder if a vasectomy really is the best option for this time in their lives, or if they should stick with their current form of contraception until they are ready for the long-term commitment that comes with a No Needle No Scalpel vasectomy.

We’ve provided a few questions you can think about with your partner that will help determine if having a vasectomy is the right choice for your reproductive health and lifestyle.

  • Will we want to have children or have more children in the future? Is our family complete?
  • What is the current cost of our contraception choice (condoms, birth control pills, etc., and how does it compare with vasectomy cost?
  • How does a vasectomy compare to a tubal ligation? Does either partner have a preference?
  • Do you have personal concerns against having a vasectomy, such as concerns about pain, recovery, your sex life, etc.?
  • Are you concerned you may wish to conceive and that you will change your mind after the procedure?
  • Will there be a time of year or season in which you’d rather recover from the procedure, such as during a vacation or holiday season?

These are important questions that deserve a thorough discussion. Your vasectomy concerns can be addressed in full by the San Diego Vasectomy Center, but only you and your partner know if having a vasectomy is the right option at this point in your life.

If you are not in a relationship, you will need to consider if you will want biological children should you enter into a relationship in the future. These concerns can be addressed after pre-vasectomy sperm banking, handled by our partner the Fertility Center of California, and vasectomy reversal options are discussed with your doctor – though it is recommended that you consider a vasectomy as a permanent procedure.

If you are still unsure if now is the right time to have a vasectomy, we encourage you to take our quiz, “Are you ready for a vasectomy?” If you have any questions regarding the procedure or recovery period, we hope you’ll contact our office directly.


When Is the Best Time to Get a Vasectomy?

When Is the Best Time to Get a Vasectomy?

So, when is the best time to get a vasectomy? This can be a pretty personal question for most men and their partners, but it’s still a common concern for those weighing decisions about contraception. Many couples will wonder if a vasectomy really is the best option for this time in their lives, or if…

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3 Reasons a Vasectomy Beats a Tubal Ligation

3 Reasons a Vasectomy Beats a Tubal Ligation

For many couples who have completed family building, there is a choice between the male partner having a vasectomy and the female partner having a tubal ligation, often referred to as “getting her tubes tied.” The decision is a personal one, as it will involve a procedure that will end one partner’s ability to reproduce….

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Can You Tell the Difference Between a Vasectomy Myth and a Vasectomy Fact?

Can You Tell the Difference Between a Vasectomy Myth and a Vasectomy Fact?

If you hear the word “vasectomy” and your first reaction is to cringe, it is safe to assume you’ve heard a few common misconceptions about the vasectomy experience. Of course, most men are prone to a higher level of sensitivity when a procedure involves an area near their groin. However, the myths that surround vasectomies…

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Are You Ready for a Vasectomy? Take Our Quiz & Find Out!

Are You Ready for a Vasectomy? Take Our Quiz & Find Out!

Are you ready for a vasectomy? For men seeking permanent, effective contraception, a vasectomy is likely the most popular and well-known option. Vasectomies solve the basic issue of contraceptive choice, and provide men and their partners with renewed sexual freedom. With modern medical technology, vasectomies are far less invasive than their female equivalent – tubal…

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3 Reasons to Choose SDVC for Your Vasectomy

3 Reasons to Choose SDVC for Your Vasectomy

Even after a man decides that a vasectomy is the right choice for his sexual health, he’ll still need to select a facility and surgeon for the procedure. Not all vasectomy centers or hospitals that offer vasectomies are the same, just as not every individual who is able to perform a vasectomy is required to…

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Can I Reverse My Vasectomy?

Can I Reverse My Vasectomy?

Sometimes we change our minds. Whether it’s been a few years, or two decades since a vasectomy, a man can change his mind and want the procedure reversed. This decision can often be attributed to major life changes such as marriage or divorce, and many men are concerned that it may be too late for…

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Exparel Provides a No-Pain Vasectomy Option in San Diego

Exparel Provides a No-Pain Vasectomy Option in San Diego

The No Needle, No Scalpel Vasectomy offered by the San Diego Vasectomy Center would not be complete without the use of Exparel.* Exparel is a long-lasting anesthetic that provides pain relief for three days after the vasectomy procedure. Many patients may be concerned about getting a vasectomy because they are worried about feeling pain or…

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Take Advantage of the Holidays: 3 Reasons to get a Vasectomy Now

Take Advantage of the Holidays: 3 Reasons to get a Vasectomy Now

For those who may be on the fence about whether to schedule a vasectomy – now is a great time to contact San Diego Vasectomy Center. Take a break from your work schedule and shopping for presents, and make an appointment for a vasectomy. Vasectomies are safe, effective, and offer an increased level of spontaneity…

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Should I Get a Vasectomy? A Q&A to Help You Decide

Should I Get a Vasectomy? A Q&A to Help You Decide

The idea of getting a vasectomy is appealing to men looking for a permanent form of contraception, but whether they should go ahead and have the procedure is an entirely different matter. A lot of hesitation comes from long-held vasectomy myths: Will the procedure be too painful? (It won’t) Will a vasectomy affect my sexual…

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