You may wonder, “Is now the right time to have a vasectomy? Or, should I hold off, maybe revisit the decision in another year or two?” The decision to have a vasectomy is not one that men tend to take lightly, and we at SDVC 100% understand the desire to take your time. We know how important it is for you and your partner, if applicable, to consider every detail. In this post, we will share some of our thoughts for you to consider while you think about whether or not a vasectomy is right for you. 

Vasectomy timing

When considering whether to have a vasectomy, we normally ask patients to consider the following:

  • Are you confident that you have completed your family planning goals and will not want to revisit family-building in the future?
  • Do you understand that, while a vasectomy can be reversed, your surgeon will advise you to consider the procedure to be a permanent form of contraception? 
  • In the event you are open to trying for a pregnancy in the future, have you considered freezing your sperm as an alternative to a vasectomy reversal?
  • Or, have you considered sperm freezing generally as a possible “back up” plan should there be a change of heart down the road?

These are key questions that any vasectomy surgeon will ask during a consultation. If you find yourself wavering, or unsure if you have completed your family, then it may be best to put the vasectomy on hold for the time being. This way, when you are ready to move forward, you can do so with confidence. 

Vasectomy and age

There are patients who will seek a vasectomy as a young person, someone in their late teens or 20’s. The reasons for seeking the procedure at any age are personal, and this includes members of the younger generations. Your surgeon may or may not agree to the procedure based on your age due to basic concerns about life situations changing over the next decade or two. Patients seeking a vasectomy consultation at a younger age should anticipate having direct conversations with their surgeon about the realities of the procedure.

The decision

If you find that you are ultimately unsure of whether the vasectomy procedure is the right call, we do want to encourage seeking additional authoritative information. Our website’s blog has many posts dedicated to the topic, including covering areas such as having a vasectomy vs. tubal ligation (the female partner getting her tubes tied), vasectomy prep and recovery, partner support, vasectomy alternatives, vasectomy reversal, sperm freezing, the surgery in detail, vasectomy myths, family planning, and more. Of course, if you choose to move forward with the procedure, we’ll be happy to help you get things underway.


The Right Time to Get a Vasectomy

The Right Time to Get a Vasectomy

You may wonder, “Is now the right time to have a vasectomy? Or, should I hold off, maybe revisit the decision in another year or two?” The decision to have a vasectomy is not one that men tend to take lightly, and we at SDVC 100% understand the desire to take your time. We know…

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The Unexpected Benefits of Getting a Vasectomy

The Unexpected Benefits of Getting a Vasectomy

The obvious benefit of getting a vasectomy is what drives men and their partners to consider the procedure. Having permanent, reliable contraception in place removes stress, ongoing financial commitments, and the standard burden of birth control that is typically placed on the female partner alone. These, among others, are the unexpected benefits of the vasectomy…

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Vasectomy Preparation: What You Need to Know

Vasectomy Preparation: What You Need to Know

If you’ve decided to get a vasectomy, you may be wondering how to best prepare for your procedure. Luckily, since this is an easy and minimally invasive procedure, there is not much you need to do in preparation. Nonetheless, to alleviate pre-surgery anxiety and answer any lingering questions, we’ve put together some tips to ensure…

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Why Vasectomies Are the Best Form of Permanent Birth Control, Part 2

Why Vasectomies Are the Best Form of Permanent Birth Control, Part 2

For couples who do not want any or any additional children, permanent birth control options such as vasectomies and tubal ligations are often a serious consideration. While many couples are attracted to the freedom that permanent birth control provides, it’s not uncommon for people to have a lingering “what if” in the back of their…

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Why Vasectomies Are the Best Form of Permanent Birth Control, Part 1

Why Vasectomies Are the Best Form of Permanent Birth Control, Part 1

Birth control is used by couples all over the world. Traditional methods of birth control, such as condoms, fertility tracking, and oral/implant medications, are often popular because they are easily accessible and reversible at any time. However, for couples who have reached their desired family size or decided against having children, permanent birth control options,…

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Reasons to Consider Getting a Vasectomy

Reasons to Consider Getting a Vasectomy

Vasectomies are an increasingly popular form of male birth control. Quick, easy, and effective, a vasectomy can be a great option for men seeking long-lasting contraception. While a vasectomy is technically a surgical procedure, don’t let this scare you. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the reasons why you should consider getting a vasectomy….

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Am I Too Young to Get a Vasectomy?

Am I Too Young to Get a Vasectomy?

The vast majority of men who get vasectomies tend to be older in age. Even though men can legally get a vasectomy when they turn 18, many doctors are hesitant to perform such a permanent procedure on someone younger than 30. Some vasectomy specialists will even turn patients down. Why Young Men May Want a…

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How to Talk to Your Partner About Getting a Vasectomy

How to Talk to Your Partner About Getting a Vasectomy

For some couples, the conversation about getting a vasectomy can be a difficult, touchy subject. Many men have immediate concerns about the procedure itself and how it will affect them in the long run. While these feelings are natural, vasectomies are overwhelmingly safe and can even improve a man’s quality of life. Furthermore, they are…

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Should I Upgrade My Vasectomy Experience?

Should I Upgrade My Vasectomy Experience?

Making the choice to get a vasectomy is an exciting decision. However, while you may be excited by your ability to play a proactive role in your birth control options and take control of your family planning goals, you might be less excited about the procedure itself. Although vasectomies, in general, are low-risk, persistent myths…

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Why the No-Needle, No-Scalpel Method Is the Best Type of Vasectomy

Why the No-Needle, No-Scalpel Method Is the Best Type of Vasectomy

Although a vasectomy is known to be a very low-risk procedure, it’s not uncommon for men to be nervous about getting one. Some of the most common concerns men have are that the procedure itself will be painful and that the recovery period will be long and arduous. However, a vasectomy doesn’t have to be…

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