Assumptions about what a vasectomy is, what it feels like to undergo the procedure, your sex life after the procedure, and whether you can produce semen ever again tend to run wild, thanks to many of the TV shows and movies we watch that approach the subject.

A lot of fear that men have about getting a vasectomy is misplaced, based on misconceptions about the procedure and what it means for a man’s sense of self.

There are a few things that might surprise you about a vasectomy, one of the more popular forms of permanent contraception, which is also largely misunderstood.

  1. The procedure takes only around ten minutes (normally no longer than 30 minutes). Prior to the procedure, the vas deferens on each side of the scrotum are located. A tiny opening is then created to gently lift the vas deferens out to be cut, tied, and put back. Only one incision is made, and a scalpel is not used to cut the genitals open. Instead, a tiny puncture is made. The hole is so small that no stitches or sutures are needed.
  2. You can select a personal approach to the procedure at San Diego Vasectomy Center. The Executive Vasectomy Experience offers two distinct plans, the Executive Plan and the CEO Upgrade. This package provides the most comfortable and seamless vasectomy experience possible, with enhanced, customized care.
  3. No, you won’t stop producing sperm or semen. After the vasectomy, unused sperm cells will be absorbed into your body instead of leaving in the semen. You can expect to ejaculate normally after the procedure as long as there are no complications. The fluid volume, color, and texture of ejaculate should remain the same.
  4. Your sex drive will be normal, if not improved. The male sex drive and the ability to have an erection and ejaculate should be unaffected by a vasectomy. For some couples, the ability to have sex without worrying about conception can even improve their sex life because they can be more spontaneous.
  5. There are alternatives to a vasectomy, but the decision is ultimately between men and their partners. Tubal ligation and different forms of birth control can be considered. Compared to a vasectomy, tubal ligation can be more costly and invasive, and it is considered major surgery. Long-term birth control options include implants in the female partner’s arm or an intrauterine device, with effectiveness that can last from three to five years.

You can request an appointment for a vasectomy consultation with Dr. Martin Bastuba of San Diego Vasectomy Center here.


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