Does It Matter Where I Get My Vasectomy?

As the No Needle No Scalpel Vasectomy continues to grow in popularity in the U.S., more men who have decided to undergo the procedure are wondering if it matters where they go to get a vasectomy. A trained physician (as opposed to a surgeon) can perform a vasectomy procedure in under 30 minutes, but just because it can be done this way, doesn’t mean that it should.
The success rate for vasectomies correlates to the skill and experience of the individual performing each procedure – meaning that the degree of success of your vasectomy experience often depends on where you go for the procedure.
At the San Diego Vasectomy Center, we encourage those seeking a vasectomy to take the time to research their choice. Vasectomies are less invasive than other permanent birth control options such as tubal ligation for women, but that doesn’t mean that the procedure is best performed by the first available physician. When researching the facility and doctor to perform your vasectomy, we advise asking the following questions during your first phone call or consultation:
The answers for Dr. Bastuba of SDVC are in bold.
- Is the individual performing my vasectomy experienced in the procedure? Yes.
- How many vasectomies has he or she performed? 300+ each year.
- Is the individual performing the procedure a physician or a surgeon? Yes, a surgeon.
- Does he or she specialize in microsurgical procedures like the No Needle No Scalpel Vasectomy? Yes.
- Is the individual performing the procedure board-certified? If so, by whom? Yes, by the American Board of Urology.
- Is he or she a fellow of the American College of Surgeons? Yes.
- Is the individual performing the procedure experienced with male fertility issues? Yes.
- Is there an additional cost to the post-procedure semen analysis? No, not at SDVC.
Asking the fertility clinic with which you are consulting the above questions is an important step in working toward a successful vasectomy. Many men feel a bit anxious prior to the procedure, so ensuring that you are working with a vasectomy surgeon who has a high amount of specific experience with the procedure can ease nerves. Vasectomy clinics should be open in their answers to the above questions, but we also encourage doing your own research before the procedure so you feel entirely comfortable.
If you are interested in a vasectomy at SDVC, we hope that you’ll reach out to our office to schedule a consultation.