Four Common Myths About Vasectomies

For men and couples looking for a permanent form of contraception, vasectomies offer many advantages. Not only are vasectomies over 99% effective, but they’re also far less invasive and expensive than other forms of permanent contraception.
However, although the procedure is safe, effective, and common, there are a number of stubbornly persistent misconceptions about vasectomies that sometimes cause men to dismiss the idea without knowing the truth.
Myth #1: Vasectomies Diminish Your Libido
Vasectomies generally have no impact on libido. In a vasectomy, the vas deferens is cut, which prevents sperm from entering the ejaculate. Everything else continues to function normally, including the production of the male sex hormones that are responsible for libido, the ability to have an erection, and the ability to orgasm.
Myth #2: Vasectomies Are Very Painful
Vasectomies typically have very minimal side effects, including pain. This is especially true if the vasectomy is performed using a minimally invasive technique, like the no-needle, no-scalpel method, and a long-lasting anesthetic, such as Exparel—which will provide pain relief for three days after the procedure—is used. In the vast majority of cases, men may experience some mild discomfort, swelling, or bruising, but nothing intense. Generally, these side effects can be soothed using over-the-counter pain relievers and an ice bag wrapped in a towel.
Myth #3: If I Change My Mind, I Won’t Be Able to Have Children in the Future
For some men, choosing to get a vasectomy is kind of like getting a tattoo—it seems like a good idea now, but what if in five or 10 years you have a change of heart and regret the decision? This is a common concern that men face when deciding whether to get a vasectomy.
However, a vasectomy reversal, which is a reparative surgery that reconnects the vas deferens, makes it possible for many men to change their minds in the future. While every situation is different, it’s even possible for vasectomy reversals to be performed 15 years after the original procedure. This is especially true if you work with an experienced microsurgeon who regularly performs vasectomy reversals and has a high success rate.
Myth #4: Vasectomies Cause Prostate Cancer
Although there have been a few studies that suggest there is a correlation between vasectomies and prostate cancer, these studies have largely been debunked due to faulty research practices. In fact, the American Urological Association’s official stance is that there is no significant connection between vasectomies and prostate cancer.
Learn More
Getting a vasectomy is a big decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. However, the decision-making process should be based on facts and not misconceptions. If you have any questions about vasectomies, including risks, side effects, and complications, schedule a consultation with Dr. Martin Bastuba of San Diego Vasectomy Center today.