4:19 pm Martin Bastuba

Supporting Your Partner Before and After His Vasectomy

Supporting Your Partner Before and After His Vasectomy

A vasectomy is a very common, effective, safe procedure, allowing your partner to free you from the need for birth control. But it is still surgery, and for men, it can represent a significant life change. As such, you need to be there to support them physically, mentally, and emotionally before and after the procedure. By working as a team, you can learn all you need to prepare for the vasectomy, and help your partner feel better about this decision.    

What Does A Vasectomy Entail?

With a vasectomy, the tubes carrying a man’s sperm are cut off and sealed, preventing it from reaching the semen. 

  • It is nearly 100 percent effective in preventing pregnancy.
  • It is an outpatient surgery, performed under local anesthesia, with a low risk of complications or side effects.
  • It is far less expensive than female sterilization (tubal ligation), or women’s long-term birth control medication costs.
  • Men don’t need to take birth control steps before sex.

Consider a No-Needle, No-Pain Vasectomy

Patients may consider an alternative method to traditional vasectomy. Renowned urologist and vasectomy surgeon, Dr. Martin Bastuba, specializes in no-needle, no-scalpel, and no-pain procedures. If you’re interested, please ask The San Diego Vasectomy Center for more details. 

Supportive Tips Before A Vasectomy

Before undergoing a vasectomy, men may have second thoughts. Here are some helpful ways to support them. 

Plan and Talk About Everything, Together

You two should have an honest conversation about your motivations and your ideal family size. You, and his doctor, can help minimize any concerns. Regarding sexual performance, vasectomy has no impact on a man’s desire, erection, or performance, only his ability to release sperm. Some men even report higher sexual satisfaction afterward. There’s also little risk of permanent damage to his sexual organs. Patients may fear severe pain, but other than minor pulling or tugging during surgery, it’s rare and disappears after a few days. 

Get It On The Schedule

It’s recommended that you quickly select a vasectomy appointment date, to provide you with some time together. Typically, a vasectomy takes about 10-30 minutes and can be performed in a urologist’s office or an outpatient surgery center. 

Learn All You Can 

Beforehand, your partner will have a physical exam and a consultation with the urologist performing the vasectomy. They’ll explain the procedure, including any risk factors or complications, and what to expect afterward. 

Being Supportive After Vasectomy

Here are some ways to provide comfort and reassurance to your partner after surgery. 

Rest and Recovery

As your partner will be under local anesthesia, he’ll need to arrange a ride. At home, he should put his feet up or lie down, and once comfortable, place an ice pack (or something similar) on the surgical area, not directly on the skin. He’ll also need to wear a bandage and tight-fitting underwear for at least 48 hours to support the scrotum. It’s recommended that men stay home from work for two days to rest, making Friday a popular scheduling option. But they should be able to return to work and light activity three days post-procedure. 

Potential Fertility Alternatives

Vasectomy is considered a permanent form of male birth control. Yes, surgical reversals are available, but they’re expensive and the results are not guaranteed. If you want to have more children, a fertility treatment such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) may be a possibility. You and your partner may consider banking his sperm for future use. 

Schedule A Consultation For A Vasectomy in California

If your partner is considering scheduling a vasectomy, you both may have questions or concerns. We encourage you to contact us for an appointment.