With so many birth control methods available, how do you know which one will work best for you and your partners’ unique needs and preferences? Are you wondering if it would be easier just to get a vasectomy? Let’s review how a vasectomy compares to other types of birth control so you can make the…
Risks and Disadvantages of Having a Vasectomy

A vasectomy is a safe, effective, and minimally-invasive procedure that has little to no impact on a man’s general health. However, as with any procedure, there are always potential downsides. If you’re thinking about getting a vasectomy, it’s important to consider any possible risks and disadvantages there might be. Vasectomies Are Permanent The main reasons…
Three Questions to Ask Yourself If You’re Considering a Vasectomy

Family planning decisions between partners may include whether the male partner should or should not undergo a vasectomy. If you are considering whether having a vasectomy is the right choice for you and your family planning needs, there are questions that you should ask yourself, and later, your partner, that can help firm up the…
Why A Vasectomy Provides Men with the Opportunity to “Step Up” And Take Responsibility for Family Planning

Outside of using condoms, spermicide or having a vasectomy, contraceptive options where the responsibility for family planning is either shared or held by the male partner is limited. Women can choose from the birth control pill, an IUD, a birth control implant, a birth control injection, tubal ligation (“tubes tied”), a birth control patch, diaphragm,…
Does a Vasectomy “Beat” Birth Control?

The average adult male considers getting a vasectomy around age 38. By that time, he has likely been sexually active for around two decades. For many potential vasectomy candidates, that probably amounts to two or more decades of using, purchasing and contributing to the cost of birth control methods such as condoms, the birth control…