Not only is a vasectomy one of the most common, effective, and safest procedures performed, but aside from abstinence, there may be no better form of birth control. As men may hesitate to undergo a conventional vasectomy, you may consider an alternative procedure. At San Diego Vasectomy Center (SDVC), we provide the “no-scalpel” or “no-needle”…
Reasons to Consider Getting a Vasectomy

Vasectomies are an increasingly popular form of male birth control. Quick, easy, and effective, a vasectomy can be a great option for men seeking long-lasting contraception. While a vasectomy is technically a surgical procedure, don’t let this scare you. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the reasons why you should consider getting a vasectomy….
How Does a Vasectomy Work?

One of the most basic, essential questions asked by those considering having the vasectomy procedure is: How does it work? Because of the many myths and misconceptions surrounding the procedure, the facts about what it actually is can be tough to discern without some research. At the San Diego Vasectomy Center (SDVC), we understand patients’…
The Step-by-step Vasectomy Experience

The vasectomy experience isn’t supposed to be mysterious — it’s a very straightforward (and quick!) procedure that requires very little from the patient in terms of preparation and recovery. However, some men still don’t know the basics of how the procedure is done and what kind of effect it will have. If not knowing exactly…
Five Vasectomy Facts That Might Surprise You

Even though more than 500,000 men choose to get a vasectomy each year, there is still a lot to learn about this very successful procedure. Vasectomy is an increasingly popular solution for long-term contraception and increased sexual spontaneity. A vasectomy offers the opportunity for a male partner to take control of future family planning and…
Five Reasons to Choose an Executive Vasectomy at SDVC

Is getting a vasectomy one of your New Year’s resolutions? Many prospective vasectomy patients have already decided that a vasectomy is the right choice for their family planning needs, but they simply haven’t scheduled their appointment or consultation. We at the San Diego Vasectomy Center (SDVC) understand that certain myths and misconceptions about the vasectomy…
When Is the Best Time to Get a Vasectomy?

So, when is the best time to get a vasectomy? This can be a pretty personal question for most men and their partners, but it’s still a common concern for those weighing decisions about contraception. Many couples will wonder if a vasectomy really is the best option for this time in their lives, or if…
Why Men Get a Vasectomy

The decision to get have a No Needle, No Scalpel vasectomy can come from a wide variety of personal motives, but at the San Diego Vasectomy Center we’ve been able to narrow down the top reasons why men choose to have a vasectomy. If you’re still on the fence as to whether or not a…
No Needle, No Scalpel Vasectomy VS. A Traditional Vasectomy: What’s the Difference?

What occurs in a traditional vasectomy? A traditional vasectomy requires that a surgeon use a scalpel to make incisions in order to expose the vas deferens tubes from each testicle. After exposure, the vas deferentia are then cut/tied or sometimes cauterized. After this, the tubes are returned and the incisions are stitched closed. This version…