Outside of using condoms, spermicide or having a vasectomy, contraceptive options where the responsibility for family planning is either shared or held by the male partner is limited. Women can choose from the birth control pill, an IUD, a birth control implant, a birth control injection, tubal ligation (“tubes tied”), a birth control patch, diaphragm,…
The Top Three Candidates for a No Needle No Scalpel Vasectomy

The modern vasectomy procedure allows for greater ease and comfort with a faster recovery period – but is it right for you? The No Needle No Scalpel vasectomy has many advantages, including microscopic incisions and fast recovery time. Any fear or anxiety about your groin being “cut open” or being on bedrest for a week…
Five Questions to Ask If You’re Thinking About Getting a Vasectomy

Getting a vasectomy may not seem as straightforward as initially expected. After all of the time and consideration it takes to decide that a vasectomy is the right choice, most men still have questions about everything from how to find a qualified vasectomy surgeon to when will they feel like themselves again. This is completely…
3 Reasons a Vasectomy Beats a Tubal Ligation

For many couples who have completed family building, there is a choice between the male partner having a vasectomy and the female partner having a tubal ligation, often referred to as “getting her tubes tied.” The decision is a personal one, as it will involve a procedure that will end one partner’s ability to reproduce….